Brain Engineering was developed by Dr. Cheri Florance, a speech-language pathologist and psychologist whose son Whitney was diagnosed with classic Kanner autism, and is now functioning well in as a chemistry major in a New York college. Florance writes about her son and his evolution in a book called Maverick Minds, which I read about two year ago.
The program involves building on the strengths of high-visual learners and borrowing from that strength to develop the auditory channel. The sessions, which Fathersvox and I do at home under Dr. Florance's instruction, are almost disarmingly simple. And for the first three weeks we didn't notice much, if any changes, in Sweet M's behavior, though we did notice that her mood was improved. We were cautiously optimistic since we've tried so many things to help Sweet M develop greater flexibility in her thinking, from vitamins to PCIT, from pharmacotherapy to probiotics. With the exception of pharmacotherapy, nothing seemed to help her much, so we were wary, but also willing to give it our all.
Then last week, all sorts of things started to happen.
• When Sweet M comes home from school lately she chooses to look at her books instead of playing with her Gameboy. In fact, I don't think she's taken the Gameboy out of its recharge cradle for at least two weeks, maybe longer. She is very very interested in her books, which is radically new.
• On Friday she came home from school and was making up a song about how "I love [name of the boy she has a crush on] and [name of the boy she has a crush on] loves me, I can read and do math too because I'm so smart all the kids love me." I didn't quite get the words . . . it wasn't rhyming . . . but she was making up a song about how great she is. That is a change.
• Tuesday she came home and said "Mom, what's a benefactor?" I wanted to say that's what we need for your school tuition for next year, but I skipped that. When I told her that a benefactor is someone who helps you achieve your potential and ambitions by supporting you with money and guidance, she said, with obvious comprehension and satisfaction — "Oh, so that's what a benefactor is." I asked where she'd heard the word and she said she heard it on a cartoon – Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends – and had been wondering about it for weeks.
• A little later in the same conversation she asked me why there are toys for girls and toys for boys, and I said because people have strange ideas about what boys and girls should do, but that if there are boys' toys she wants, she can have them because they're really all just kids' toys. She said, "Oh no, I can't have boys toys, I'm a girl." I guess I'll have to do a little more work on that!
• On Wednesday she asked me why the city of New York can't be painted pink and purple (her favorite colors). I said I didn't know, maybe we should write a letter to Mayor Bloomberg to ask him why. She said that's a good idea but I don't know him, does he know anybody? I said he probably knows the Governor. She said, Great, I've got it, we can write a letter to the mayor from the governor, and then he'll answer. I said I think he'd answer if you wrote him and she said, "Of course he wouldn't . . . I have to pretend I'm the governor." She's probably right about that. But she said, "If I wrote a letter and pretended I was the governor that would be sneaky." Yes, I said, that would be sneaky.
• On the weekend she said, "Hey Mom, Can I ask you a question?" I said sure, and she asked, "How do people get rich and have private jets and big cars?" My answer to this was a bit too long, but I didn't give her the entire first five chapters of Capital or The Wealth of Nations.
• Her school insisted that she go on Field Day last Tuesday. In the past two years we've kept her home because she tends to meltdown when she's outside on a hot day and asked to participate in competitive sports. (Exactly like both of her parents, no fans of ESPN in this household.) Anyway, we were reluctant to let her go because we didn't want to risk a meltdown when her spot at school is so precarious, but it seems to have gone okay. The teacher made her photography assistant for the day, so she got to be doing something special and didn't have to do boring sports. And she had fun in her special job!
Also, two weeks ago she asked if she could have ballet, ice skating and piano lessons, so this past weekend she started ice skating lessons. She was on the ice for 30 minutes with two instructors helping her get her skating legs. We're trying something new, and she's eager to try all sort of new things now.
Fellow autism-mom Kyra of This Mom wrote a moving post about Remediating the Autism . . . struggling with the idea that even as she adores her son Fluffy just as he is, she works long and hard to help him have every chance for the fullest, richest life.
With kids on the spectrum, this means taking chances on various therapies and diet regimes (for Kyra and Fluffy) and other sorts of interventions among so many of us . . . psychotropic medications, special schools, intensive behavioral or communicative interventions. And for parents who believe their kids have mercury poisoning, biomedical interventions.
Parents struggling to make the right decisions for their kids, whether neurotypical or not, is an old story. We all do it. We all make decisions on behalf of our children with the very best information we have on hand, sometimes with a bit of speculation and faith. We try to find them the best possible school setting. We take them to best doctors we can find. We do whatever we can do to help them have the richest, most delicious lives they can have.
Sweet M is out on the ice, getting her ice skating legs, and we're getting our Brain Engineering legs . . . we'll keep you posted on how it goes as we glide towards something new.
Link me up! Are those SHARP BLADES on your child's feet? I'm impressed. I'd like to learn about Brain Engineering. My first introduction to "you can do things to help your kids" came from a neurodevelopmental consultant in Massachusetts who uses simple exercises too. Please, tell us more!
Ditto Kim's request...tell us more. Everything you wrote about M sounds so wonderful!
I'll just add my "me three" to the list.
I agree, this sounds fascinating. Like everything else we've tried or looked into, Little Frog almost - but not quite - fits the profile. He is our conundrum! I'll be watching for any updates you post on Sweet M's progress. (I'm thrilled for her that she has initiated and expressed her desire to try some new things).
Yes, they're real ice skates, sharp blades and all. It's very exciting that Sweet M wants to do new things now. A tremendous development.
And today she went on her school's big end of year field trip, and apparently it went fantastically well. I'm away on a research trip for my work and I didn't sleep last night worrying about how she'd do, but it was not only fine, but, in her words, "the greatest day ever." (We spoke on the phone earlier tonight, and that, too, is quite a development. She's not usually much for talking on the phone!)
I will definitely keep you all posted on Sweet M's developments . . . My fingers are crossed! And in the meantime, you can learn about Dr. Florance's work at www.ebrainlabs.com.
Her theory is that that many of the symptoms associated with ASD and ADHD are caused by difficulties managing the high visual input of what she calls the maverick mind . . . kids who have huge splits between verbal and visual intelligence are likely candidates for her method. I'm fascinated by it . . . because it's basically very subtle and simple to do, but it seems to make real changes affect, behavior, and expressive language.
I selfishly beg you to please post again about this, because I went to that site and it seems to be one, like the RDI site, that won't really tell you what the method is all about unless you pay for it. And I am dying to learn more! Pretty pleeeeeaaase? What M is doing sounds so amazing that I am all excited!
Hi, it's Liz from I Speak of Dreams. Fascinating. Do you read the Eide's Neurolearning Blog?
They are looking at a very fine-grained level at kids' brains and implications for teaching and learning--like this one
On a related note:
I think one of the greatest educational interventions I did for my neurotypical but dyslexic daughter was having her take tumbling for 4 years.
Increased her laterality (it wasn't that obvious a problem) and got left and right, legs trunk and arms moving harmoniously together.
Iceskating is a fabulous sport for unifying the body. I think there will be a subtle payoff in all the balance work necessary too.
Plus, it is cool--both in terms of tempurature and in attractiveness.
Good job, M!
Something about that "engineering" word --- a potent way to think about (visualize?) learning. Ice skating is on the agenda for Charlie (via a school field trip) this summer!
oh, my!! this is so exciting! i've never heard of brain engineering--it is anything like brain gym? in any case, it sounds like it has already had a transformative effect on sweet m! i am thrilled for her! that must feel so good. i especially loved the song she made up about how great she is. now THAT'S a song to sing on the hilltops.
i can't wait to hear more stories about sweet m and her adventures!
Stranger than Fiction
Fantasy Author Offers his Autism Story
It has been said that all geniuses must deal with the fate of being misunderstood. Perhaps that is also the fate of those dealing with autism spectrum disorders. Surely Caiseal Mór, bestselling author of The Wanderers Series, The Watchers Series and The Wellspring Trilogy would agree. Diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder around the age of 9, Mór developed a strategy for dealing with the world by assuming different personas—the Mahji, Charles P. Puddlejumper, Marco Polo and Chameleon Feeble—all of whom appear in his autobiography, A Blessing and a Curse: Autism and Me (April 2007; Jessica Kingsley Publishers; $18.95; 978-1-84310-573-2).
“My symptoms aren’t the problem,” Mór writes on his website, “the perception you have of my symptoms is the problem.” His early preoccupation with pretending to be different characters allowed him to deal with the “problem” of perception which manifested itself in the form of ignorance and abuse, but became an invaluable contribution to his fantasy writing. Mór’s captivating autobiography poignantly demonstrates the struggles those living with autism must endure but offers the reader hope that those on the autism spectrum can ultimately accept themselves and live creative, productive and satisfying lives. Though this book is not fiction, A Blessing and a Curse blurs the line between personal experience and fantasy.
Mór’s autobiography is as compelling as any novel and a must read for those dealing with feelings of isolation or disconnect as a result of autism. The depictions of his various personas offer insight into the minds of those dealing with autism and also make clear the tremendous creative potential of those on the spectrum. The progress that has been made in understanding autism since the time of Mór’s childhood during the 1970s is also evident. Remembering the abuses and neglect of his youth, Mór paints a picture that is, in the words of Donna Williams in the book’s foreword, “as beautiful and magical as it is shocking.”
Caiseal Mór is the well-known author of two non-fiction books, twelve fantasy novels, including The Wellspring and Watchers Trilogies, and the composer of six accompanying musical CDs. He lives in Australia with his wife.
Further information about this book may be found on the JKP website: http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book.php/isbn/9781843104995
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I just posted about what sound like similar things we are doing with our guy and the similar results we are getting. It would be interesting to compare notes.
Modern medicine sees all mental illness deriving only from the brain - primarily from neurotransmitter imbalance and nothing else - the truth is that in many cases there is often an underlining physical cause (eg: infection, celiac disease, etc) and this is often never investigated, and so its no wonder today we are faced with the current tragedy that the Mentally ill die 25 years earlier, i mean look at these studies:
'An autopsy of 82 patients who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Gastritis was found in 50%, enteritis in 85% and colitis in 92%.' read more...
'99% certain of a genetic association between schizophrenia and coeliac disease' read more..
'Enterocolitis discovered in the majority of children with Autistic spectrum disorders'
for more see
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