While our neighborhood lacks outdoor spaces — parks, playgrounds and gardens — and has lousy educational services, it has no shortage of designer chocolate shops.
Sometimes I think there is an inverse correlation between the number of designer chocolate boutiques around here and the paucity of public services.
While we'd prefer some good parks and public schools, it is fun that we can visit a chocolate factory just a few blocks away, where the chocolatier was at work on a giant Easter egg, and his assistants were wrapping the bunnies.
Back at home, Sweet M had prepared for the arrival of the Easter Bunny. All on her own, without any prompting, she wrote the big bunny a little note, and then she sprayed it with perfume. (Her name was on both, but here it is smudged.)
"I hope he likes it," she said.
Apparently the bunny did, because he got back to her with this note, and an Easter egg hunt.
After reading five clues, she found her basket . . .

Sweet M really believes. That is one of the things that is so much fun about being her mom is that the Easter Bunny and Santa are still such a big part of our lives. Though I have to say that I am dreading the day when she figures out the ruse, and asks me to come clean about these stories, for the moment we have bunny designers and designer bunnies.
And a very designing Easter Bunny (mom of M).
OH MY! what an egg in the window! and what a basket! and a letter and a hunt. wow!
yes. it's the same over here with fluffy. he so LOVES the magic of santa and the easter bunny. i worry sometimes that my explanations sound lame (why are there bunny prints from the door to the basket but not the other way? er, ah, um...) but the thing is, he BELIEVES with such gusto, i could say anything and he'd be all, yeah! COOL!
Sometimes it is fun to be a designing mom. Don't you think Martha Stewart should do a special issue on what autism moms invent for their kids? Kyra, I remember you made that sound toy for Fluffy. Autism moms are improvising all over the place.
The thing that was so great with Sweet M this year is the social reciprocity thing — she was so happy that the Easter Bunny liked the perfume that she'd sprayed on her letter. (That's what the bunny said in his letter to her.)
M is so ready for social reciprocity, and her school world just isn't giving it to her. So we're making do with the big Fluffy white bunny of our imaginations.
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